A Diamond is a crystal made up entirely of carbon atoms that are arranged in an isometric, or cubic, matrix. A cubic crystal arrangement is one in which the crystal essentially expands outward at the same rate in all directions during its initial growth; the ideal result, when the crystal forms without any interference, is a pure and perfectly formed octahedral shape. However, most Diamond crystals encounter varying heat or pressure, other elements, or even other Diamond crystals during their growth, and this can alter their form somewhat. The resulting form and characteristics of the crystal, once it emerges from the earth, help to determine what shape, color and clarity the polished gem will have. The combination of diamond’s molecular composition and its crystal structure is what makes it so unique and gives it all the qualities that we think of when we think of a Diamond. The unique characteristics of diamond go far beyond what you can see with your eye. In addition to their superior brilliance and dispersion, Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on earth. Diamond rates a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, which means that it is extremely resistant to scratches; it is several times harder than the next-hardest substance, corundum, which is more commonly known as ruby and sapphire. Diamonds are also very tough, meaning that they do not easily break, chip or crack. And even more interestingly, they are extremely resistant to heat and chemicals: it would take a temperature of at least 720° Celsius in air, or 850° Celsius in a vacuum, to burn a diamond; and Sulphuric and Hydrochloric acids, which are capable of completely dissolving the skin and bones of a person, have no effect at all on Diamonds (in fact, these acids are actually used to clean the oil and dust off polished Diamonds after they have been cut).


Diamonds are made up of pure carbon atoms that exist deep in the ground, exposed to intense heat and pressure over billions of years. Over time, this pressure builds up and forces the Diamonds and rocks up toward the surface in a volcanic-like explosion. The explosion creates a very deep, wide hole called a “pipe” into which most of the Diamonds settle; these deposits of Diamonds are known as primary deposits. Other Diamonds are washed away by water or erosion, and often settle into the coastal waters of nearby bodies of water; these are alluvial deposits. These deposits occur in many places around the globe; however, the largest commercial deposits exist in Angola, Australia, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Russia and Zaire, which produce 80% of the world’s Diamonds.


The answer depends on whether you are investing in the Diamond itself, or in what a diamond represents. Diamond prices have been steadily increasing for the past 20 years, and Diamonds tend to hold their value. Given this, it is extremely unlikely that Diamonds will ever entirely lose their value, in spite of how the market may change in the future. However, no one can predict, with absolute certainty, which way the market will swing and, in general, we do not recommend buying up high-quality Diamonds as a main part of a financial/retirement plan. On the other hand, if you are looking for a source of beauty and a symbol of eternity and everlasting love, there are few objects you can choose that will surpass a Diamond’s perfection. Diamonds have inflamed man’s passions since the first moment at which they were discovered, and their power over our emotions and desires has only grown since then. As a timeless and beautiful gift to yourself or as an emblem of your commitment to another, a Diamond is an excellent investment.


A rough Diamond looks more like a piece of glass, which is then polished by a trained Diamond cutter in to polished Diamond. While incredibly precise, computerized machinery is now used in some parts of the cutting process for some diamonds, most of the work is still performed by hand using exacting and meticulous techniques.


There is no physical difference between a Diamond that is certified and one that is not. A certificate does not change the nature of a Diamond in any way. The difference between a certified and an uncertified Diamond is that, with the certified Diamond, you have tangible, legal assurances as to the particular nature and quality of the Diamond you are purchasing. A certified Diamond comes with a Diamond grading report guaranteed by an accredited gem lab. This report assures the customer that the Diamond is independently recognized as possessing all the qualities specified by that report. On the other hand, an uncertified Diamond is not accompanied by a Diamond grading report, and therefore its stated quality is based only on the word of the seller. An uncertified Diamond is not necessarily a bad Diamond; certainly, it can be as beautiful as its certified counterpart. However, we encourage our customers to buy certified Diamonds. A Diamond grading report adds an increased comfort-level to your purchase. Because the quality of your purchase has been independently verified, you can feel assured that you have made a wise purchase and that you have received exactly what you have paid for.


When we speak of Diamond Fluorescence, we are referring to the diamonds tendency to emit a soft colored glow when subjected to ultraviolet light (such as a “black light”). here’s our overall opinion: the simple existence or absence of fluorescence should not influence your decision to purchase a Diamond. Don’t let fluorescence unduly influence your choice when selecting a Diamond.
